Friday, January 10, 2014

The Hottie Cover

After that gorgeous sunshine last week that allowed me to so easily take gorgeous yarn pictures, I of course had my yarn ready to knit with. Since first finding the Winterberry pattern on Ravelry, I could not fully get it out of my mind. That is one of the drawbacks to knitting, if something is stuck in my mind the only effective way to get it out of my head is to just buckle down and knit it. Not a huge deal with a one skein project like this, but imagine the trouble I am in when its a sweater on my mind!

It even goes well with my current bedding!

I love the texture of the babbles when my cold toes are looking for something warm to snuggle up with.

I have been using since every night since I bound off. You can start to see the fuzzes developing on the edges (this is totally normal and easy to remedy with an electric shaver). 

Nobody can argue that this isn't a massive improvement on my cover-less hottie!

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