Sunday, November 17, 2013

Cold Remedies

For the last week, I have been lucky enough to have stayed home. Sadly, this was a direct result of a nasty cold I caught. Since being pregnant and teaching after school, I have caught 3 colds!! Not very fun, though the most recent one was the only one to negatively effect my sleep.

I finally bit the bullet and took a Benadryl, which hallowed me to sleep soundly and consequently feel human for the first time all week.

I hate feeling the need to fall back on drugs to get the rest my body needs. I always have, but it wasn't until a couple friends started using essential oils that I began to think about natural alternatives to support better sleep.

While my current cold is now on its way out, the order I placed won't come in time to help with it. I do hope to find some relief for both gross colds and also the occasional restlessness (something I would never consider using Benadryl for). Only time and trials will tell, so stay tuned.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

All I Want to Do is Knit Socks

While getting dressed this morning, I opened my sock drawer to discover that I only have four pairs of wearable hand-knit socks. I have two other pairs that just need a bit of darning in one spot each, but those aren't going into my shoes until those spots have been mended. That leaves me with merely a work week's worth of comfort and warmth for my feet.
Now I am sure many of you reading this might think of wool socks as those same ones you jam into your snowboard boots. Perhaps you are thinking of those thickly knit slipper socks you got as a kid from an ambitious knitting relative. Or you could be like me and know about the delightful merino/nylon blends available to hand knitters in every color of the rainbow. If you are the latter, please bear with me, and remember not everyone knows that we are knitting socks with something other than Red Heart of Homespun (which certainly have a place in the hand-crafting just doesn't happen to be on my feet).
The yarns I use to knit socks are much thinner than any craft yarn you have seen. I shared a pair with some friends this last weekend, and they commented how similar they were to the Smart Wool brand. Which, of course, they are. The idea behind the Smart Wool is to utilize the same characteristics hand knitters have known about wool for centuries. All wool will wick moisture away from your skin (preventing a leading cause of blisters), insulate the warmth of your body even when wet, and is a naturally wavy fiber resulting in a lot of elasticity. In addition to all of these wonderful characteristics of wool, the yarn is spun tighter creating a smooth, even, and durable surface, and then in many cases 3 or 4 strands are plied together to create a very round final yarn. While hand-knit socks do tend to be thicker, it is not by very much, and this thickness contributes to the delightfully warm final product.
My sock knitting habits lately are a bit wacky. I have two types of socks on the needles right now: a pair of Cookie A's Lindsey socks and a pair of plain vanilla stockinette socks for my husband. Would you believe its the vanilla socks that are giving me trouble?! Here is why, I typically knit my own socks two at a time using a magic loop. With the vanilla socks I wanted something even smaller to carry around with me, so I started them on double pointed needles. What a wild ride that has been. It has been surprising to me how changing up something I have never thought of as a routine really messed with my..well...routine! More on that later.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Welcome (back)

Do you remember being a kid and thinking that every day, week, month, year seemed to take forever? I remember thinking summer vacation was almost un-ending. Oh what I would give to get that feeling back. Over the last year of working full time, I have noticed getting lost in work and forgetting to enjoy the good times.
Cooking Delicious Dinner
Creating Original Knitting Projects
Hiking In and Around the Beautiful Portland Area
October was a month full of weddings for my husband and I. You know what we realized attending all of these events filled with friends? That we have not been taking full advantage of our lives. In fact, we found ourselves attempting to fill every minute we had with them with excitement. Consequently, we both came home and promptly caught colds.
Its time for a change, and what better way to help remember how to track the beautiful moments of life than with the whole world on the internet? Please join me in this adventure!